Services and consultancy

What advantages can Aliante's consulting service offer to your company?
Our global IT consulting service provides executive-level management and guidance for organizations looking to optimize their IT operations and align them with their business goals. Our experienced Information Systems consultants have the expertise to develop and implement IT strategies that support your organization's overall goals.

Our Information Systems Consulting Service is designed to provide executive-level management and guidance to help you optimize your IT operations and achieve your business goals.

Our Information Systems Consultants have extensive experience and expertise in technology and management and are committed to delivering results for your organization by monitoring market trends, attending industry events and conferences, arranging training for your staff, and putting you in contact with qualified technological partners.

Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, our IT consulting service can provide the expertise you need to develop and implement an IT strategy that supports your business goals.

Our "Information Systems" consulting services include:

Sviluppo ed esecuzione della strategia IT

IT strategy development and execution

The development and execution of IT strategy is a fundamental process for the effective use of information resources in an organization.

IT strategy is the long-term plan that sets out the goals, priorities, resources, and actions needed to achieve the desired outcomes in information technology.

Management of IT operations, including personnel, budget, and resource allocation

Prendi il controllo totale delle tue operazioni IT!

With our solutions, you will be able to optimize performance, reduce downtime and increase the overall productivity of your IT team.

You will be able to make informed decisions and react promptly to challenges as they arise.

Simplify and streamline your IT operations with our state-of-the-art solutions and take your organization to the next level.

IT security and reliability management

Staff training and security awareness are integral to our approach, to ensure that all team members are aware of best practices and are active advocates for data security.

The implementation of firewalls, antivirus and data encryption, preventive maintenance, redundancy of critical systems and recovery solutions are just some of the tactics we adopt to ensure the continuity of your operations.

Gestione dell'innovazione aziendale

Innovation management by evaluating new technologies and methods to improve operations and effectiveness

Our consultancy will help you evaluate and implement new technologies and methods that will improve your operations and increase the effectiveness of your business.

Our team of experts will be at your side to identify the most suitable innovation opportunities for your sector and guide you throughout the transformation process.

Invest in innovation, reach new heights and stay ahead of modern companies and markets.

Collaborate with other executives to align IT with overall business goals

Through close collaboration with executives or business leaders, we identify areas of intersection between business needs and IT capabilities.

We work to define priorities, allocate the necessary resources and develop concrete action plans in synergy with the figures in charge of each department or sector.

In this way we face together, consciously and responsibly the problems related to corporate change and innovation.

Supplier management, including negotiating contracts and monitoring supplier commitments

Contract negotiation is a crucial phase of supplier management, where contractual agreements are negotiated between the organization and suppliers.

This activity involves defining the terms of supply, prices, quantities, delivery times, payment terms and other relevant conditions.

The main objectives include:

  • Achievement of favorable contractual conditions, considering quality, cost and compliance.
  • Monitoring of supplier commitments, verifying quality standards and compliance with contractual deadlines.

Development and enforcement of IT security and data management policies

IT security policies define the measures, procedures and guidelines that must be followed to protect information assets and corporate data from internal and external threats.

From regulatory compliance to cyber risk protection, we take care of every aspect of data security. We analyze your systems, identify vulnerabilities and implement best practices to ensure complete protection.

From regulatory compliance to cyber risk protection, we take care of every aspect of data security. We analyze your systems, identify vulnerabilities and implement best practices to ensure complete protection

Progettazione, realizzazione e mantenimento siti web ed immagine aziendale.

In order for a company to communicate with potential customers, it is essential that it has an effective and well-designed corporate image and identity.

Aliante offers professional services of:

  1. Graphic Design::
    • Logos, graphics, images and layout of advertising materials. Good graphic design captures the audience's attention and effectively conveys company messages.
  2. Web Design and Development:
    • Modern and responsive websites that offer an optimal user experience, SEO optimization to improve visibility on search engines.
  3. Brand Identity and Branding:
    • Brand identity is what makes a company unique and recognizable. Renewal of logos, colors, typography and visual guidelines guarantee visual coherence in line with the times, trends and evolution of the company.
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